Monday, May 10, 2010

The Electrical Savvy Veterinary Vampire

Taking bets on Caden’s future career. Amanda and I are certain he will pursue one of three careers; an electrician, veterinarian, or a vampire (if that is a career, I threw that one in).

With the many safety hazards that electricity and 8 month olds can bring we are always watchful. Caden hones in on electrical cords when he sees them and off he goes. Some of his favorite things to do are to chew on live wires, unplug and attempt to re-plug wires, and play with electrical sockets. Not to worry, we by no means condone this behavior or allow him to even attempt it, but nonetheless he has an addiction to cords when we he sees them he at least tries to crawl as fast as he can to them, or pitches a fit when we remove a cord that he works so hard to reach (let me know if you have the number for our local Electrical Wire Addict Anonymous group).

Secondly, Caden has a fascination with dogs. Red ones, black ones, white ones, big ones, little ones, and all in between; he loves them all. Every evening we take our ritual walk around the neighborhood, Caden usually cruises in his little Red Flyer wagon. While on our stroll Caden’s little eyes are scanning every direction looking for his canine friends. As soon as he sees one in the distance he locks eyes on it and begins kicking his feet back and forth. Sometimes he even talks to the canines (the next Dog whisperer perhaps). Oh on a few occasions he has actually makes physical contact with a dog or two. Usually these encounters end up with Caden getting a little to excited and the dog becoming a little lighter because of the hair extraction service that Caden offers (free of charge I have to mention). Maybe one day in the future we can get him a little friend (poor poor dog).

Lastly, we are considering letting Caden audition for the next Twilight movie, although we are afraid he may take it a little too serious. This is because Caden sometimes enjoys chewing on people. Whether it is a shoulder, arm, or maybe even my face Caden has the urge to sink his newly grown teeth into me, his mom, and sometimes random strangers (just kidding about the strangers, we taught him to not bite strangers). Amanda taught Caden how to give her kisses, aww…yeah sounds cute and it is when he does it with her (actually it is one of the cutest things ever). Fifty percent of the time that I ask him to give me a kiss he tries to extract portions of my nose. At least I know that he only likes kissing women.

Life is great with our little guy. Only complaint is that he is growing way to fast!

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