Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No Fear!

Over the past 8 months 2 weeks and 2 days Caden has went from being our cute almost motionless ball of joy to our no fear untamed adventurous little delight. Into everything, over the past month Caden has learned to sit up, crawl, and stand without any helping hands from mom and dad. He is a boy on a mission. Electrical cords, hair, jewelry, and anything dangerous are a few of his newfound hobbies. A typical day in paradise for Caden is drinking out of mom and dad’s cup, eating mom and dad’s food, and riding through Fishhawk in his Red Flyer wagon sporting nothing but a diaper (much to Caden’s sadness his mother usually makes him wear clothes).

With all of his newfound talents, Caden forgets that he is only 8 months old, usually resulting in him forgetting that he can’t walk yet and that there is such thing as gravity. Not to worry though, his mom and dad are always there to catch him when he steps out in faith. At the Coggins household we are taking precautions to prevent our little explorer from getting into trouble.

Our newest add-on is our Caden Cage, which is a 34 square foot baby gate pen with rubber flooring and minimal hazards, definitely a space killer. The honey-do/ Caden safety list continues to grow. Cabinet locks, door locks, baby gates, cord covers, outlet plugs, and other unforeseeable preventative maintenance mechanisms, are just a few.

Life is most certainly good and there is never a dull moment. Amanda and I look forward to what each and every new day brings. My current prediction is that Caden will be walking in about two or tree weeks. I have started working out more profusely in order to keep up with the little guy.

Our upcoming agenda, Amanda’s first mother’s day and Caden’s first birthday preparations.

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