Friday, May 7, 2010

Future Farmer of America or the Next Michael Jackson?

Each and everyday is a blessing for Amanda and I especially because of our little guy. The joy and laughter he brings is insurmountable in everyway. Yesterday exemplifies that joy. While visiting Amanda’s grandparent’s house I decided to take Caden out to feed the cows some bread. Usually when Caden sees an animal he just reaches for it as if he would like to rip its hair out and gnaw on the creature. In this scenario we walked up to the fence and called all the cows in from the field. Caden’s anticipation grew as they approached. Once the cows reached the fence I broke a piece of bread from the loaf and tossed it to the cows. All of the sudden Caden broke out in hysterical laughter. Every time I threw a piece of bread his laughter became more and more profuse. Practically in tears I had to run in and get Amanda, her mother, and her grandmother to show them my newfound entertainment.

The joy that Caden brings to our home doesn’t stop there. Recently Caden took up the hobby of dancing. While sitting on the floor last night I got to see Caden break out in his jerky none graceful yet extremely entertaining dancing. He pulls up on one of his toys that is kind of like a little table with various noise mechanisms all over it. Then he pushes its’ buttons and starts to boogie. He looks like a two-and-a-half foot one hundred year old trying to dance, his legs locked in place he begins to jerk his little hips around occasionally checking to make sure that his mother and I are watching him (i'll upload a video soon). We love every moment of it.

I am looking forward to what today will bring and with the weekend coming I can’t be more excited about getting spend more time with the family.

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